Friday, August 31, 2007

*Tell Me Why!* I Don't Like Fridays

Fridays, while they have their benefits...end of the working week, date night, etc, are about as bad a day as I know. It starts out with me coming in to work, same as usual, and then continues on as great as can be until 10. At 10 we begin the weekly ritual of "I'm going to be on time, screw everyone else." I come in to our management meeting, knowing full well that it won't start at 10 and that it may indeed never start. Today, for example. Right now it's 10:30, so I've been here for a half an hour waiting for the rest of the group to show up. I would do work, but if I get in to anything, I know that I'll end up having to drop it right in the middle as suddenly it's imperative that I get to the meeting ASAP because their time is far more important than mine. From an hourly billing perspective, they are right because they make a lot more than I do on an hourly basis. Nevertheless, you'd think that they'd respect my time somewhat. I think that what Forro and I are going to start doing is the walkout. We meet late and then run through any semblance of a normal lunch hour, sometimes getting out at 2 or at 3. We've started it already, and I think we may take it up a notch here. So then we have this meeting that one of the managers insists on just restating everything and going on and on and blathering about all kinds of nonsense, mainly because he doesn't have a clue what's happening (this isn't just an issue with our management meetings, this is with everything that he does).
Then, after they waste most of my day, I get to cram 8 hours of work into 3 hours, getting done somewhere between 6-7 pm just in time to head out and try to do something with my wife.
Saturdays are great, and even Friday nights. I'm just sick of the interminable waste of time that this meeting tends to be. Really, I think most of it can be targeted at this guy, because when he's not in these meetings, we actually get it done quickly and effectively.


themickel said...

I hate meetings. I hate when people pipe up after a point is made, not to add anything, but just so they will be heard. I hate the minutia that somehow merits endless discussion among people who really have nothing to do with the topic in question. I actually have an article entitled "Meetings Make us Dumber" that is backed up by scientific studies. I'm holding off on using it until the time is just right...

Beau Sorensen said...

There's one person in our full management meeting who insists on making the post point pipe-up. Just wait for what I anticipate will be next Friday's first ever Running Diary of a management meeting. I've been looking forward to it for a while, the timing just hasn't been quite right.

themickel said...

That'd be great. It be like a Simmons draft blog or something. I would definitely read that.