Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Cruising through clips

I realize that I'm dragging up some older material here, but Tom has been really irking me lately so I thought we could all have a good laugh at how retarded he can be and that would make me feel a bit better. I'm sure you all remember the squirting incident from 2005. If not, this should refresh your memory...

Do you want to know why it is funny Tom? It is funny because you have been acting like a real dillweed for a long time now, and watching a dillweed get nailed in the face with anything brings a smile to the face of society. Unfortunately he couldn't appreciate the apparent humor we all found in the situation. I only wish it had been something other than water, that's right you know what I'm talking about.
Tom has been a wild advocate for Sceintology, in the sense that he is the loudest and most annoying about the religion. I feel somewhat bad for the Scientologists, because having Tom Cruise as your self-appointed spokesperson is about as effective as having Bin Laden champion the views of Muslims. I only feel partly bad for the Scientologists; however, because they are fairly nutty bunch in my opinion anyway (no disrespect to Xenu of course).
Word on the street is that he now has Katie attending study classes about Scientology. Cruise of course claims that her joining the Church of Scientology would in no way detract from her Roman Catholic beliefs. Cruise maintains that someone can be both a Christian and a Scientologist. I'm not quite sure how he reached that opinion seeing as how Scientologists deny Jesus Christ, which is somewhat of an integral part of Christian theology, but hey who are we to argue?
Speaking of arguing lets all relive a previous Tomcapade when he assertively (to put it oh so nicely) confronted Matt Lauer regarding the issue of psychiatry, which Tom believes to be a falsehood much like public decorum and dating people near his age. Without any more ado here we go...

Debating this point would be a blog unto itself, but let me just say what a freak! It isn't even worth having the argument really, especially when the defense is simply "you're just glib".
And finally, probably the most famous 'Cruise Clip' his excited appearance on the Oprah Show...

Here is an interesting Tomfact for you, assuming he marries Katie each of his wives will each be 11 years younger than the previous. Mimi Rogers b.1956, Nicole Kidman b.1967, Katie Holmes b.1978. Tom was born in 1962. I don't really have much to say about the Oprah incident, other than Oprah and her fans seemed to enjoy it, which makes me hate it even more.

Well I feel better...and Katie if you ever read this take the child and run.

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