Friday, February 01, 2008

Mary Magdalene and the Divinity of Christ

My wife and I just got finished watching The Da Vinci Code while we've been here in the hospital and as a big fan of the novel as well, I got thinking about one of the central tenets of the book, that Mary was the Holy Grail and the impact that would have on things, specifically on people's faith. Would it shake people's faith to the core, or would it reawaken it for some people. As a Mormon, I don't think it would do much. We believe that Christ was our example in all things. Because we are commanded to "multiply and replenish the Earth" and because marriage is a divine and good thing and something that most people should do, it stands to reason that Christ would be married. Moreover, it's pretty logical just from the four gospels alone that if He was married, it would probably have been to Mary Magdalene. Whether they had children or not is something that may or may not be accurate (although the Merovingians had claimed that blood line) because what a burden that would have been. Can you imagine going to a job interview and having somebody say "tell me about yourself." "Um...well, I'm the son of the Savior of all mankind, I ski, and I love monkeys." How awkward would that be for somebody? Also, how difficult would that be? It's bad enough being the scion of a noteworthy or wealthy family, but to have the blood of the Son of God running through your veins is another thing all together.
I could see how it would shake some faiths, because when you look at some of the teachings of the Catholic church, priests would get angry. "You mean I took a vow of celibacy for nothing?!" That's right, you'd have anarchy. One thing is certain however, that if you believe Christ was divine, marriage wouldn't challenge that. What would is if he slept around outside the bonds of marriage. That would do it because it's something that is specifically preached against in the scriptures, whereas marriage constantly is sanctioned with the occasional "you don't have to be married" or "not married? Good for you" quote.

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