Saturday, October 20, 2007

Meeting Diary 10/18

10:10 AM – I arrived late as I was busy doing other things and frankly didn’t care to be the only one here early. Unfortunately I was preceded both by Forro and by Jorge Posada. As a sidenote, if Alex Rodriguez leaves the Yankees, I’m going to have to change my baseball team names because A-Rod is the key to the whole thing, he’s the one with the nickname in the first place that matches our nickname for the main annoying person in this meeting. Of course, Alex Rodriguez’ nickname is more a term of endearment as opposed to annoyance and/or contempt.

10:14 AM – A-Rod arrives and slaps me in the face. It’s a metaphorical slap, but he just put down his management meeting sheet that has me as office manager. I really shouldn’t let this title thing bug me, but an office manager is a glorified secretary. They wouldn’t be part of your senior management team. I don't think it would bug me if he didn't update that lame sheet every week but keep me as office manager.

10:22 AM – Robinson Cano is here and Posada is up talking about stuff. A-Rod had some serious problems putting his hands around the concept of a wage index. I tried a number of different ways to explain what a wage index does and how it impacts us, but to no avail.

10:34 AM – Cano mentions the name of an employee of A-Rod’s as doing a great job. A-Rod says, “who?”

10:52 AM – I’ve been surfing the web and not updating my timelines, partly because I’ve not been paying much attention. However, a nice little note from the world of A-Rod is he asks me “how are things going with private pay insurances, are we billing them?” I say “what?” in large part because we’ve been billing them forever. I ask him to clarify what he’s asking, because he should know that. When I ask what he means he says, and keep in mind this is a direct quote, “that’s a good question.”

10:53 AM – Derek Jeter joins the game.

11:12 AM – I’m finishing up getting my costume for Halloween. God bless the internet.

11:13 AM – A-Rod’s putting together a binder. What will be in that binder for the leadership team? Who knows. The one thing I do know is that it will never be touched again.

11:18 AM – Another conversation with A-Rod:
Me: “you shouldn’t order any, it should be Giambi because he’s the one in charge of our clinical group,” A-Rod “Yeah. “
Me: “and he won’t be here until Tuesday.”
A-Rod “Well, I’ll not order any from a marketing standpoint”

11:22 AM – In the middle of a discussion where Derek Jeter doesn’t listen to anyone saying that electronic patient charts are actually better than paper, I get a call from my wife to pick her up from the doctor because she can’t drive home. This is followed by a trip to the hospital. Fortunately she’s back and doing okay. Fortunately also I wasn’t subjected to another 2 hours of the runaround on that subject.

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